Issue #1: Unlock May's Leadership Secrets – Your Blueprint for Success

by Natasha Tous

May 7, 2024

Issue #1.


Welcome to the first edition of the Éclat Leadership Newsletter! If you’re here, it’s because you, like many of our community members, are on a transformative journey toward becoming a more effective and inspired leader. This monthly publication is tailored to support you with insights, strategies, and stories that resonate with your unique leadership path. Let's embark on this journey together, enhancing our skills and shaping the future of leadership.

Communication Corner: Mastering the Basics of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Emotional intelligence is the bedrock of effective leadership. It enhances our ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. This critical skill set empowers leaders to inspire and motivate their teams and forge stronger alliances in the workplace.

Tip: Practice Active Listening

Improving your communication starts with active listening. This means fully concentrating on what is being said rather than just passively 'hearing' the message of the speaker. Active listening involves listening with all senses. As a leader, practicing active listening can demonstrate your respect and consideration for team members, fostering a supportive team environment and improving mutual understanding.

Active Listening Exercise: The Reflective Summary

To hone your active listening skills, try this simple exercise during your next team meeting or one-on-one with a colleague:

  1. Listen Intently: Focus entirely on the speaker, ignoring all distractions. Nod and maintain eye contact to signal engagement.
  2. Reflect: After they finish speaking, summarize what they’ve said to confirm your understanding. Say something like, “What I'm hearing is...” or “Sounds like you are saying...,” followed by a summary of their points.
  3. Clarify: Ask clarifying questions if necessary. This could be as simple as, “Did I get that right?” or “What do you mean when you say...?”
  4. Respond Appropriately: Once you are sure you’ve understood their perspective, respond based on the accurate comprehension of their message.

This exercise not only improves your listening skills but also builds trust and respect between you and your team members, enhancing overall communication.

For more in-depth insights into the top emotional intelligence skills that every leader needs to succeed, check out our latest blog post here.

Defining Your Personal Brand: Start with 'Why'

Your personal brand is more than just a projection of who you are professionally—it's a powerful tool that communicates your core values, your professional ethos, and your leadership style. Starting with 'Why'—your purpose, cause, or belief—distinguishes your personal brand, attracting opportunities and connections that resonate with your authentic self. Understanding and articulating your 'Why' is crucial in navigating your career with intention and impact.

Tip: Articulate Your Vision and Values

A well-defined personal brand should clearly reflect your professional vision and values. This clarity not only guides your career decisions but also aligns your actions with your goals, making you a magnet for like-minded professionals and opportunities.

Workshop Invitation: Rise Authentic - Harness Your Personal Brand

Ready to take your personal branding to the next level? Join me at the "Rise Authentic: Harness Your Personal Brand" workshop. In this interactive session, you’ll gain a clear understanding of your unique value proposition and craft your 30-second elevator pitch, essential tools for anyone looking to make a significant impact in their professional life. Reserve your seat today and start your journey towards a more authentic and powerful personal brand! Sign up here.

By consistently reflecting and acting on your Vision-Values statement, you reinforce your personal brand's authenticity and strengthen its impact in your professional world.

May Book Club: Hidden Potential by Adam Grant

Brief Synopsis

"Hidden Potential" by Adam Grant explores the concept that everyone has untapped potential and offers insights into how leaders can harness talent within their teams. The book delves into strategies for identifying and cultivating hidden strengths in others and oneself.

Key Themes and Topics

  • Recognizing Potential: Grant discusses the importance of seeing beyond the obvious skills and recognizing the less apparent abilities in team members.
  • Fostering Growth: The book provides techniques for creating an environment where hidden talents can flourish.
  • Leadership Development: It emphasizes the role of leaders in nurturing potential and pushing boundaries within their organizations.

Practical Applications

Reframe Failures as Learning Opportunities: Shift the narrative around failure from something negative to a valuable learning experience. When a project doesn’t go as planned, focus on the lessons learned rather than the outcome. Encourage reflection by asking what can be learned from the experience and how these lessons can be applied in the future.

Click here for the full book review

June Book of the Month: Unbreakable: Building and Leading Resilient Teams by Bradley L. Kirkman and Adam Stoverink

May Events Calendar

Below is a curated list of events designed to enhance your leadership skills and expand your professional network. Dive into interactive workshops, insightful seminars, and exclusive webinars tailored for dynamic leaders like you.

May 8: Elevating Your Emotional Inteligencia

May 16: Redefining Success: Breaking The Mold

May 18: Public Speaking & Podcasting for Introverts With Tony

May 21: Latina Leadership Meeting

May 22: Rise Authentic: Harness The Power Of Your Personal Brand

The Éclat Leadership Newsletter comes out on the first Tuesday of every month, where we will dive deeper into the strategies and stories designed to inspire your leadership path. Thank you for joining us on this journey to redefine leadership. We are excited to support and celebrate your growth with every issue. We look forward to sharing these insights and more, starting soon.

Thank you again for joining Éclat. I look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you!

To a more productive you,

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Natasha Tous Co.

Read more from Natasha Tous Co.

by Natasha Tous June 11, 2024 Issue #2 This month, we explore two crucial aspects of effective leadership: defining your personal brand and mastering active listening. Discover actionable insights to elevate your professional identity and enhance your empathetic communication skills. Communication Corner: Active Listening: The Key to Empathetic Leadership Active listening is more than just a communication skill, it's the cornerstone of empathetic leadership. By truly hearing and understanding...